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  • Success stories in ads for online dating services can make it sound like true love is just a click away. However, consumers must be aware of the limitations, costs.
  • Myrrh is the sticky, dry resin of a certain forlorn desert tree, Commiphora myrrha. Myrrh is extracted by piercing the bark of the tree and returning later to collect the nuggets of dried sap. True to Myrrh’s reputation as a funerary herb, these pieces are sometimes called “tears.” Ancient Egyptians used Myrrh, along with linen and natron, to embalm the dead. The resin both perfumes.

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BBC Radio 3
Saturday 30th January, 11:45am| Monday 1st February, 10:00pm

Kate Molleson talks to Scottish writer and poet Jackie Kay about the extraordinary life of the pioneering blues singer Bessie Smith, and asks what Bessie’s blues can tell us a century on.

Kate also hears from American composer Meredith Monk about the recurring nature of the big themes of her work, from plagues to dictatorships, and we hear about the piece she’s currently working on, Indra’s Net – 10 years in the making and a work dedicated to humanity’s relationship with nature.

Union City Singles Matchmaking Services

Union city singles matchmaking reviewsUnion City Singles Matchmaking

Plus, as part of the BBC’s ‘Soundscapes for Wellbeing’ project, we look at how natural and musical soundscapes can affect mental health, including a groundbreaking study by the University of Exeter called ‘The Virtual Nature Experiment’, which explores how digital experiences of nature might impact wellbeing. Kate is joined by Alex Smalley from the University of Exeter, the sound recordist Chris Watson, and composer Nainita Desai.

Union City Singles Matchmaking Site


Union City Singles Matchmaking Reviews

Producer: Matthew Dover