Gardner Hook Up Spots

Gardner Covert Pop Up Hook Aligners. The brand new Covert Pop up Hook Aligners have been developed as an extremely easy was of creating ultra effective ‘D’ style rigs by combining a preformed D with one of our superb Hook Aligners. The result of combining the two key elements of mounting hookbaits in this manner and the very aggressive turning.

  1. Gardner Hook Up Spots In Vision
  2. Gardner Hook Up Spots In House
  3. Gardner Hook Up Spots Pictures

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  • Position the Pop Up Hook Aligner (as shown on the diagram) by pushing the hook aligner up over the hook eye.Remember - fine tuning of your rigs really makes a difference. Pop Up Hook Aligners are currently available in C-Thru Green and C-Thru Brown – with a great Silt colour coming soon. Be sure to add me to your favo.
  • The popularity of the hookup site or app in my city. The female to male ratio. We’ve compiled a list of 5 hookup sites that not only worked but were easy enough to hook up on. 5 Best Hookup Sites. Here’s another way you can be sure you’ll actually hook up.
Richard Connelly
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We're not sure why Houston 101 seems to be on a gay jag; maybe it's because a staunch defender of the Houston Texans opened our eyes to the fact we're secretly into that kind of stuff.

At any rate, in the glorious pre-AIDS days when closeted men could find dark corners to embrace their inner alternative lifestyle, where did they go?

Houston has plenty of places where the urge to merge was taken care of anonymously and in semi-private.

1. The Ripcord Bar Chutes. Behind the bar at Chutes the Ripcord was a seemingly incongruous wooden ladder. If you had to ask what it was for, you were in the wrong place. Upstairs was a pitch-black crawlspace where naked men did what comes naturally.

Why they had to go upstairs is not very clear to us, because we've always heard Chutes the Ripcord was a pretty out-there leather bar anyway. Longtime gay activist Ray Hill, our guide for this tour, tells Hair Balls that he still recalls going there to report on a police raid, and after the cops left he found a dozen or so frightened guys hiding upstairs, wearing any clothes they had grabbed in the dark.

Today, it's the site of the Empire Cafe.

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2. The French Quarter Theater. A very dark theater, it was, showing adult films in an atmosphere of, ummm, collegiality. Intense collegiality.

Raids were frequent, Hill said, until the owners and police worked out a deal -- the name of the theater was taken down, the entrance was moved to a non-conspicuous place, and its existence was advertised only in gay newspapers, out of the sight of those who would rather not know of such things. Patrons also had to join a 'private club' to gain admission; the club might well have been called The John Smith Association.

Now the site is a 24-Hour Fitness club. Hmmm: A fitness club, opened all hours, equipped with saunas and steam baths? La plus ca change......

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3. The basement of the Milby Hotel. It had all the necessary ingredients: a tucked-away bathroom that offered some warning if an interruption was imminent; a host of horny traveling salesmen away from the wife and kids in Odessa who might be looking for an anonymous encounter; and a convenient location in downtown.

Hill insists that well-known Houstonians such as police chief Herman Short and Glenn McCarthy (Of Shamrock Hotel fame) were regulars, and who are we to doubt him? (We have no idea if it's true, for what it's worth.)

Now the den of iniquity is a parking garage for the Chase Tower and an office building.

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4. The basement of the Auditorium Hotel. Same thing as the Milby. Maybe aficianados knew the subtle differences in potential hook-ups at each locale.

To hear Hill tell it, Short -- a married man with children -- hooked up with a dentist who practiced in Beaumont and Orange at the Auditorium. When he became chief in 1964, the dentist told Hill about their fling; when there was a subsequent gay-bar raid by HPD, Hill says he had a meeting with Short 'and told him I had a friend who was a dentist in Beaumont and Orange who couldn't believe such a thing was happening in Houston.' Subsequently, Hill claims, he could always get a private audience with Short and work out some compromises on gay-police relations.

'I never had to be more specific about it,' he says. (Short died in 1989.)

Gardner Hook Up Spots

The Auditorium is still a hotel, but instead of a steamy place of sexual intrigue it's the extremely classy Lancaster, which -- come to think of it -- is still the home of plenty of sexual intrigue, although now it's limited to the actual hotel rooms. (As far as we know.)

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This place is pretty consistent and fun for the most part. I think it’s a little difficult to get around sometimes if they’re busy, especially up and down the stairs. But I really enjoy their rooftop bar it gives you a chance to get some fresh air and look out downtown. I usually come here with a few friends for drinks and then go out to a place where you can actually dance. Six is more of a place for pre-drinking and visiting. Drinks are nicely made too.

I’ve been to this bar many times and it’s never failed to provide an excellent time. They have fun music, and I’ve only recently discovered the “Boom Boom Room” in the back for great dancing. It’s crowded, but full of good-looking people (albeit some are the yuppie-type). As far as the people who have had problems with their credit cards here, I personally never use a credit card at any bar. I only use cash for several reasons: A) I don’t trust myself with one when I’ve been drinking (I tip too much or forget my card at the bar), B) I don’t trust others with my card (especially when they know I’ve been drinking–easier to take advantage), and C)Having a set budget keeps me from drinking too much.Pros + great music, attractive people, great dancingCons – yuppies

The Continental Club is the BEST club in Austin. If you never made it to the Armadillo World Headquarters, check out Toni’s Hippie Hour on Tuesday nights. The Continental is the ONLY place in town where you can still get a feel for what the Armadillo World Headquarters was like–this is the magic of Toni’s Hippie Hour. The Continental Clus is the BEST club in town, that’s all there is to it. From Tuesday’s with Toni to the Blues Specialists on Fridays to the ELVIS Shows, Buck Owens Bash, and so on and so on, you can’t go wrong. The folks there are great, the atmosphere is great, and the crowds are great. Peanuts at happy hour. And don’t forget all the Classic Cars you’ll see!!!


Gardner Hook Up Spots In House


I was in town for the Austin City Limits Festival. We were wandering downtown, and saw Fado’s and decided to give it a shot. It was ok, but I don’t think I would recommend it. I tried to order 3 different Irish beers, and each one got a blank starte from the waiter. We had to ask a few time for our water, and our water felt the need to tell us about how he was supposed to be at the ACL Festival, but had to work. The food was pretty good. Our napkins were damp from not being fully dried, and, while we were wating for our tab, we looked arounf and noticed how dirty the place was. But, the layout of the bar was cool, and it seemed like if there was a bit more effort put into the palce, it could be a rockin place to hang out, day or night.Pros + good locationCons – staff seems to not really care

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